Pine Marten Run

Pine Marten Run Trail

Ironjaw Semi-Primitive Area | Hiawatha National Forest

Pine Marten Run is a 26 mile system of hiking and horseback riding trails located in the Ironjaw Semi-Primitive Area approximately 30 miles northwest of Manistique in Schoolcraft County, Michigan.

Pine Marten Run
Pine Marten Run Trail

Hiking / Horseback Riding / Snowshoeing / Cross-Country Skiing

Hiawatha National Forest - 30 miles NW of Manistique

Trail Distance: 26 miles

East Trailhead: From Manistique drive north 22 miles on M-94 to County Road 437. Turn left (west) on 437 and drive 3.5 miles to the County Road 437 trailhead.

Middle Trailhead: To reach the County Road 440 trailhead continue 1.7 miles south on 437 then turn right (west) on County Road 440 drive 1.4 miles to the trailhead.

West Trailhead: The Forest Road 2258 trailhead is best accessed from Forest Highway 13. From the intersection of FH-13 and US-2 drive 19 miles north on FH-13 to Country Road 440. Turn right (east) and drive 3 miles to FR 2258. Turn left (north) and drive 1.7 miles to the trailhead on the left (west) side of the road.

Pine Marten Run is a 26-mile system of non-motorized trails in the Ironjaw Semi-Primitive Area open to hikers, bikers, and horseback riders. Trailheads are easily accessible off County Road 440 and are suitable for both vehicles and horse trailers. The trail system has five designated loops. Trail loops are shorter routes that start and end in the same location.

Pine Marten Run

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Pine Marten Run photo credit ManistiqueMI facebook
Pine Marten Run

The trail system loops around the wild and scenic Indian River, bogs, rolling hills, and numerous lakes (Swan, Nineteen, Ironjaw, Triangle, Dinner, Spud, Rumble, Sprinkler, Verdant, Rim and Hub lakes).

Camping is allowed without permit at the trailheads for up to 16 days, and manure should be scattered in the woods before leaving. There are campsites you can reserve at Swan Lake, Ironjaw Lake, Triangle Lake and Lake Nineteen. Nearby Hiawatha National Forest cabin rentals are Toms Lake Cabin and McKeever Cabin. Camping permits and cabin reservations can by made at

Pine Marten Run Trail Map

The Nature Conservancy

Pine Marten Run photo credit The Nature Conservancy
Pine Marten Run
Pine Marten Run

Trail Loops

RUMBLE LOOP - 3.3miles long with access from FR 2258 just south of the Indian River bridge. This segment crosses through the Mike White Sharptail Grouse Management Area as it traverses rolling hills of beech, birch and maple and loops around Dinner and Sprinkler Lake. Approximately one mile of this loop is open to motorized vehicles so users should exercise caution.

SWAN LOOP - 1.5 miles long with access from FR 2258 just north of the intersection with County road 440. This segment circles Swan Lake which is a popular camping lake. The terrain in this area is fairly level and is composed of pine plantations interspersed with hardwoods and hemlocks.

IRONJAW LOOP - 4.1 miles long and located in the center of the lronjaw Area. This segment can be accessed from all the other loops except Triangle Lake. It can also be reached via FR 2733, which is the access road to the permit campsite on lronjaw Lake. This loop provides scenic vistas of Verdant and Ironjaw Lakes.

HARDWOOD LOOP - This loop is 5.5 miles long and can be accessed just north of CR 440 where it intersects with FR 2728. Traversing the central portion of the Ironjaw Semi-Primitive Area, it circles Spud Lake at the north end. This loop presents a wide variety of vegetative types, topography, plant communities and wildlife viewing opportunities.

TRIANGLE LOOP - 5.8 miles long with access from CR437 just south of the Indian River bridge. This segment gf trail was relocated in 2006.

See Other Area Hiking Trails

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